
FMO Travel

Click on the button below to explore Texas A&M’s Financial Management Operations Travel directory where you can discover Concur, find contacts, and more! Most anything you need in regard to travel can be found here!

GSA – Per Diem

U.S General Services Administration Per Diem Rates can be found by clicking the button below. After selecting the fiscal year, you can search by city, state, or zip code and find the information best fitting your needs!

Travel Guidelines and Disbursement

Click on the button below to read about Texas A&M’s Travel Guidelines in the Disbursement Manual. This includes General, Transportation, Meals and Lodging, Foreign Travel, Student Travel, Travel Card Program, and more.

Mileage Reimbursement Form

Please submit this form to be reimbursed for mileage incurred while conducting university business in your personal vehicle.